DÍ­LO is a Czech art collecti­ve that pu­b­lishes its own epo­ny­mous on­li­ne ma­ga­zi­ne. It fo­cuses pri­ma­ri­ly on per­for­man­ce art and li­te­ra­tu­re and the­ir re­flecti­on, and on sup­por­ting al­ter­na­ti­ve and ex­pe­ri­men­tal art.

We ope­ra­te as a com­mu­ni­ty of pe­o­ple who sup­port each other’s work and pro­fess de­mo­cra­tic, hu­ma­ni­ta­ri­an va­lu­es. From this po­si­ti­on, we want to be a plat­form for ar­tis­tic acti­vi­ty out­si­de of es­tab­lished in­sti­tu­ti­ons, not on­ly for our­sel­ves but al­so for al­lied ar­tists.

Al­thou­gh most of our acti­vi­ties are fo­cused on the Czech cul­tu­ral spa­ce wi­th sig­ni­fi­cant over­laps in­to the Slo­vak one, we are open to glo­bal co­o­pe­rati­on. You can email us at and we will get in touch.

We are a re­gis­te­red non-pro­fit or­ga­ni­zati­on in the Czech Re­pub­lic.


Při­hlas­te se k od­bě­ru na­še­ho news­let­te­ru a do­stá­vej­te pra­vi­del­ně in­for­ma­ce nejen o no­vých čís­lech ča­so­pi­su, ale i udá­los­tech po­řá­da­ných ko­lek­ti­vem Dí­la!

Ne­spa­mu­je­me! Dal­ší in­for­ma­ce na­lez­ne­te v na­šich zá­sa­dách ochra­ny osob­ních úda­jů.